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A digital micro-credentialing tool to recognise learning experiences and achievement, eNetBadges™ helps you improve engagement with corporate training, create a staged approach to accreditation, or provide more structure to the CPD process.

Authenticate, issue and manage your organisation's own branded Open Badges, which can be uploaded into Mozilla Backpack

Verify and evaluate achievement
Add metadata to the badges you create using eNetBadges, including information about standards achieved, criteria, evaluation, and evidence of work, so you can credit employees for the skills and knowledge important to your organisation. This also enables others to easily verify the level of achievement.

Picture of a trophy

Image of adding more badges

Learners can add badges throughout their career
Learners can use their Backpack account to store their badges and evidence them in ePortfolios, CVs and social media. Backpack is a personal account, and not linked to any badge provider so learners can continue to add badges throughout their career, whichever organisation they work for.

Build more value into in-house learning
You can easily evidence competency and skill and using time-limited badges, you can easily manage re-accreditation and compliance. You can also create a staged approach to a larger goal using stackable badges.

image of a medal

Open badges compliant icon

Fully Open Badge compliant

Verifiable Badges Icon

Verifiable badges, encoded with unique
data on issuer and badge standard

Transferable badges icon

Badges are transferable and can be accessed
outside the awarding organisation

Efficient badges icon

Efficient ways of issuing badges including automatic issue via embed codes into SCORM files

Integrate with API icon

Integrate with your learning management
system via the API

Support badges icon

Support on developing the workflow, roles, standards and processes for your Open Badge offering

ecom support icon

Full support from eCom Scotland Helpdesk

social icon

Allows users to share badge achievements via social media and other channels

The case study below shows eNetBadges in action.